Gaza’s Children Suffer Because of Hamas, Not Israel

The publication which this article was intended to be published within was unable to publish this response, so it has been posted here for the record.

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Gaza Apartheid Israel

Yusuf Mohamed is right to feel a profound sympathy for the suffering children of Gaza, but his blame for this catastrophe should rest solely on Hamas, and not Israel (How Israeli’s Gaza attack has destroyed the lives of children, 8 Oct 2024).

Mohamed’s article lacks the crucial context of Israel’s motivation for its operation in Gaza. This isn’t some unprovoked war of conquest, but an incredibly well-justified act of self-defence, rescue of hostages, and the meting out of justice over a brutal terror group.

On the 7th of October 2023, Hamas invaded Israel and brutally murdered and raped around 1200 Israelis, including children. Over 200 hostages were taken and hidden in terrorist bases across Gaza.

Not only did Hamas brutally attack Israel, but it has continued to fire rockets into Israeli civilian areas relentlessly. What choice does Israel actually have but to attack to stop this threat to its people?

Additionally, the numbers of dead that Mohamed cites must be taken with a pinch of salt. They are fabricated by Hamas, who has an incentive to inflate numbers to gain global sympathy. While there have no doubt been tragedies in this war, do not trust these false numbers.

The IDF has done all it can to limit civilian casualties, but Hamas actively uses hospitals, schools and residential buildings to host its bases and rocket sites. They use human shields so to necessitate innocent loss of life. This has been well-observed and proven, with Hamas leaders even admitting that civilian deaths are good for their PR.

Hamas started this war. Israel has a right to defend itself and to prevent any threats to its people. All the suffering that children of Gaza have faced is their fault, and their fault alone. If they want the suffering to end, they must surrender.

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1 comment

  1. michellehayden1 Reply

    Spot on!
    Hamas started this war. Israel WILL finish it!

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