Introducing ‘Krautzone’: A German Libertarian and Conservative Magazine

We all pretend to know the krauts: They don’t know gardening, have no humour, and no irony. Only gruendlichkeit (thoroughness) in whatever they do – left, right, up and down. From making war to brown-nosing opportunistic asylum-seekers. The good intellectual property of real liberals and libertarians is...

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We all pretend to know the krauts: They don’t know gardening, have no humour, and no irony. Only gruendlichkeit (thoroughness) in whatever they do – left, right, up and down. From making war to brown-nosing opportunistic asylum-seekers.

The good intellectual property of real liberals and libertarians is not the absence of prejudices, but the readiness and ability to discard them (and substitute them with new ones), thereby creating a serious and rational picture in the process.

With that said, it gives me pleasure to introduce the Krautzone.

Who are these daring youngsters? In their own words:

“A young team of overambitious, extremely handsome looking guys, sometimes stupid and sometimes brilliant – as young people should be. We love Germany and resist hard work. The only solution, therefore, is to step into independent journalism. We gave up on CEOs, bosses and small corridors of opinion. Our independence matters most. We like to present reality as it is, and not as we like it to be. We like to provide new inputs for your mind and relax the intellectual frame coming from yearlong schooling.”

Are they too right, too left, too libertarian, too conservative, too critical, too simple, too complicated, too ironic, too serious?  Taboos are important but wrong taboos are dangerous. Therefore, they represent a mind-provoking mix of articles about politics, economics, culture and history.

“68ers” and cultural nihilism or cultural marxism, they definitely dislike, even more than a Doener-Kebab, lousy pizza or any kind of fast and awful food.

Yes, that their essence is the opposite of intellectual fast food, but nevertheless lightly-cooked and always wittily served.

Liberal and conservative, report and comment coming from the heart with humour and definitely avoiding any touch of political correctness.

Their fifth edition magazine was published in July, and concentrated on the “68ers” and gave them a good, old-fashioned dribbling. Beside Goethe, Bach and Hayek, they are a good reason to make yourself acquainted with the German language.


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