Progressives claim to be proponents of diversity. The ideal conversation table would consist of various people from various backgrounds, as long as they aren’t conservative. In many instances, progressives are comfortable with people who do not speak like them, as long as they think like them.
There seems to exist a liberal intolerance within many spheres of society. Whether these are progressive circles within the political landscape, academia, or the social sphere, often right-leaning views are summarily and promptly dismissed as empirically false. We have all witnessed it. Some have been on the receiving end of this parochialism and others have been on the end handing out the snide remarks. The left frequently and publicly shames right-leaning South Africans for the slightest deviation from liberal orthodoxy. The ironic thing is that this shaming is almost always an ad hominem that is directed to the person, rather than the merits of the views that the person holds.

The complete disregard for the values that many progressives believe they uphold and cherish, is a great threat to the advancement of our society. Progressives maintain that they value and seek to protect freedoms such as the freedom of expression, freedom of religion, etc. Yet, when it comes to the expression of opinions that do not conform with what progressives deem correct, they turn a blind eye. This is a devolution from the classical definition of liberalism, to illiberalism.
This intolerance leads to a milieu where there is no room for a diversity of opinions. One need not look any further than the question of free tertiary education, to see that diverging opinions from the politically correct status quo are branded as ‘racist’ or ‘backward’. When differing perspectives are not sufficiently represented in discussions, these exact same discussions transform from constructive-sounding boards to mere perpetual echoes in halls, classrooms, and auditoriums full of conditioned nodding heads. As soon as this happens, none of us is the winner. In many ways, today’s progressives are not much different from the right-wing people who, throughout history, refused to surround themselves with critical and engaging dissimilar individuals, to test their own ideas. No one could argue against this being the precise definition of closed-mindedness – the exact mentality that classical liberalism aimed to tackle. The only difference is, here we have liberals that assert that they represent progress and open-mindedness.
Liberal intolerance sees progress as a one-way street without any alternative route. Progress, in their closed-minded view, is only achievable through what has to be liberal schools of thought or policies. The issue of free tertiary education, and the vitriolic and emotive responses to alternative viewpoints, offers proof enough that the progressives are violently entrenched in their belief that only one possible solution to the problem exists: theirs. This consequently creates the widely-unchallenged perception that many causes are noble, solely based on the subjective views of a few – in turn leading to the attempts to justify class disruptions and damage to property because of the supposed nobleness of the cause.
Liberals have in recent years ringfenced their own quest for progress. I hope the similarities to the rhetoric of dark times in our past are not lost on those who bother to understand our history and better our future. When arguments such as these are made – that there is only one possible way to achieve certain goals and that it is not open for discussion – it sounds more and more like the closed-mindedness of oppressors of the past, does it not?
The disregard for opinions that do not augur favourably with the views of the politically correct threatens real progress and freedom of expression. The same supposed guardians of free speech have become the threat against it. This deception is where the problems lie. As T.S. Eliot said, the menace is not with a loud and prominent threat to freedom of expression, but the subtle slipping away of it.
In our modern time, discussion is advocated for by the very people shutting down debate. Open-mindedness is championed by the very people ensuring closed-mindedness in society’s intellectual discourse. Progress is campaigned for by the very people responsible for intellectual stagnation.
But who really needs the big questions discussed and debated, when an ideology already has the unassailable answers?
Author: Daniël Eloff is a final year law student at the University of Pretoria. On completion of his undergraduate degree he will pursue an LLM degree in constitutional law. He is the co-founder of the Tuks Leadership and Individual Program and the UP Debatsvereniging. He is an avid debater and orator and has coached numerous debating teams. Daniël has a keen interest in the liberty movement and hopes to advance the values of freedom of expression, a free market and freedom of religion in South Africa. He is a firm Gladstonian liberalist and a proponent of the rule of law.
Harald Sitta
War is peace, Slavery is freedom, want is plenty , totalitarian uniformity is diversity, hooliganism is tolerance. And so on…..
Political Correctness started out just fine as a modernisation of Aristotle’s description of the virtuous man. Then it turned into a desire to make the right sounds so that you would sound virtuous and people would respect you. Man is a social animal and social isolation is a severe punishment. Learning the correct view to take on any given issue has become a vital life skill.
I respect Rational Standard because it’s content is usually well written and the website is well managed. The best article I’ve read on heir was Nicholas Woode-Smith’s one about the Trendy Left, and it’s good to see that you all don’t treat your views and positions like a trend: you’ve maintained really good website.
But I must say that I don’t really see the difference between their type of victim mentality (campus leftists haranguing about the system/cistem keeping them down) and your type – ever on about the failures of the left etc. There’s nothing wrong with fair criticism, and one shouldn’t be full of hubris as to be unaware of the opposition. But at the same time, fighting against the opposition is not the same as fighting for the people. We know they’re bad but what are you offering?
Say what you want about progressives and radicals like RMF, but at least they’re talking about the issues people want to talk about, addressing people directly and trying to take some kind of action. What do you have to offer the people of this country, as they are – poor, black and largely disenfranchised? I ask this question in two senses – ideas and methods. What narratives and messages do you have for these people, and what plans and programs?
I would appreciate any response, even if it were just a link to another article which I may have overlooked.
Hi Makas,
While we do spend a lot of our time criticizing the opposition, we do actually post positive matter everyone once in awhile. We used to all the time but found that criticism garnered more views (the tempting vice of higher traffic). I will link some positive matter articles here for your interest.
A few from me.