Remembering Jacques Jonker

Jacques had a passion for economic freedom, individual liberty, and reasoned discourse that only few can match.

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Jacques Jonker

The Rational Standard has learned that one of our close friends and colleagues, Jacques Jonker, has passed away.

Jacques was an active writer for the Rational Standard, a senior contributor, and a great classical liberal helping to usher in better times for all.

At the time of his passing, Jacques was a Senior Parliamentary Researcher for the Democratic Alliance, after his stint at the Free Market Foundation as a Legal and Economic Analyst. Jacques had a passion for economic freedom, individual liberty, and reasoned discourse that only few can match.

We are going to miss his intelligent discussion, his friendly demeanour, his humour, and simply working alongside him going forward.

Our deepest condolences to his family, friends, and colleagues.

Find all of Jacques’ writing for the Rational Standard here.

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  1. Rory Short Reply

    Very sad indeed.

  2. Alex Nagel Reply

    Very sad news. Thoughts are with all at Rational Standard

  3. Sidney Meyer Reply

    How can I contact Kin Bentley?

Rational Standard