The Rational Standard is one of South Africa’s oldest and foremost platforms for libertarian and classical liberal commentary. We accept submissions on topics of current affairs, news, history, politics, philosophy, economics and perhaps even alternative topics.

Articles must be submitted to editor[at]

Article requirements

  • Please paste the text of your article in the body of the email.
  • Minimum 300 wordsNot too long either! Any article surpassing 1200 words may be deemed as a non-priority.
  • Understandable English.
  • Taken as a whole, the article must have a distinctive and clear libertarian or classical liberal tone.
  • A short 1-3 sentences biography of the author must be included at the end of the article.
  • Links and sources must be hyperlinked if possible, and not in a bibliographical form.
  • If the article is timely, the author must include the tag “TIMELY” in the subject line of the email. An article is only timely if it will lose most of its relevance if it is delayed for an extended period of time. Abusing the timely tag will result in a ban of guest contributing!

By submitting an article, you agree to the following

  • These provisions may be changed at any time, and it is your responsibility to ensure that you are up-to-date.
  • Any article submitted may be edited without consultation – it is thus imperative that any message or idea you hope to convey be stated clearly and in understandable English.

Be aware

  • Submitted articles will not necessarily be published immediately. Non-timely articles can take up to two or more months to be published, due to the quantity of contributions.
  • We recommend that articles should be between 500 to 800 words in length. The longer an article, the longer it will take to be edited, and therefore, the further down the priority list of posting will it be moved.
  • Except in rare circumstances, images will not be included in an article, except for a single featured image.

SEO Advice

  • Ensure your title contains a keyword to do with your topic that appears in the first paragraph of your article and throughout the text. This will help the article get listed on Google and other search engines.


For more information about editorial policy or process, please email  editor[at]


Please submit articles appropriate for Rational Standard to editor[at] Please include your name and a short (2-3 sentence) bio.

Rational Standard